February 17th: Mardi Gras Day Parade on Mississippi Avenue!
Start: Ecliptic Brewing
825 North Cook St. Portland, OR 97227
– Music from Transcendental Brass Band starts at 5:30 at Ecliptic
– Kids, wagons, pets, bikes, all welcome
Start time: Parade will roll at 6:30.
Parade end: back at Eliptic – Parade turns around at Skidmore Ave
After parade: Trophies awarded for parade participants! Meet at Mississippi Pizza around 7:30 for music with the Krewe Loose Cajun Band and awards “ceremony”
Music also across the street at Bar Bar with Love Bomb a Go Go marching band!
Start at Ecliptic Brewing. Parade starts at 6:30 pm, so get there earlier to get in the line up. All ages, all community invited to parade along! Wear your best Mardi Gras attire, flashing lights, what have you! Kids and pets welcome. Join us afterwords for live music and dancing –
– in association with Mississippi Ave !
Facebook event link:
We’ll have Krewe-made mini-umbrella custom throws also