Parade Sponsor Feedback Form 2022 1. How did you like the Portland Mardi Gras Parade this year? 12345678910 2. How was the feedback from your customers and Parade watchers? 12345678910 3. Was it a benefit to your business? 12345678910 4. Was there an overall benefit to the district? 12345678910 5. Did your foot traffic or sales increase on Parade day? Foot traffic increasedSales increasedBoth 6. How would you rate marketing of your business participation? 12345678910 7. Was information and outreach to your business clear? 12345678910 8. In what way could Parade planners improve your participation? Do you have any suggestions for improving sponsor participation? What kind of marketing or advertising did you think is most successful for your business? Other comments Optional information: Your name Your email Phone Address Δ